Thursday, January 24, 2008


Network Marketing Business Opportunity A Powerful Model For Extra Income

Networking marketing is still a fantastic business model to provide you with an additional income stream should business slow down. With the emergence of internet based network marketing opportunities the chances of you finding a business that compliments your business activity is even more likely.

Years ago just the thought of network marketing was enough to scare people away (and it still is even now but not as much!) Rumours of lost income and pyramind schemes saw innocent people robbed and disillusioned but it doesn't have to be that way.

A little due diligence can go a long way towards ensuring that you find a reputable company that will support you in your efforts of building a profitable network marketing business. It's really easy to be sucked in by a flash presentation and big income promises but the real work comes from researching the company, it's management and it's financial position before you sign the dotted line.

Your sponsor should also be an important determining factor and their ability to keep you motivated and on track.

It's also important to remember that it's not all income and glamour, there is a scary statistic that I read recently which shows only a very small percentage (2-3%) actually make a huge six figure income through network marketing with many more leaving before they really get started.

But many people still enjoy a regular ongoing income if they stick with their business for a few years and keep working at it.

Running a network marketing business takes work and commitment. It is no different to running your own business and if you happen to be doing both then it's easy to see why people give up. So it's always good to remember when you are considering taking on an extra business that it's going to take your time, energy and extra money in promotion if you want it to suceed.

For that reason it is important to find a company that you really like, either because of their product or their work ethic. If you can promote your network marketing business to your current clients that can make it even more worthwhile.

It makes it easier when you are feeling like you are tired of promoting or if you have had yet another person say no!

I know a yoga teacher who promotes Herbal Life, a therapist who promotes Tahitain Noni Juice, quite a few Life Coaches who promote Success University and because these businesses fit in well with their current business they are able to enjoy the extra income and even recruit new distributors.

I run 2 network marketing businesses providing different topics but both of them fit into my love of personal development and internet marketing. HelloWorld provides me with an opportunity to promote the work that I do and publish events that I record (all be it briefly) as well as fulfilling my love of streaming digital media (I am becoming quite the geek!) and Success University is an alternative to coaching for people who can't afford it, or for people who just need a "maintenance" program to keep them focused. But I don't only promote these products I use them too.

There are many benefits to running your own network marketing internet based business and I will be talking alot about them over the coming weeks because I believe in it's power as a business model. It has certainly kept my head above water over the last few months as I gave up coaching to focus on building my online business Women Internet Marketers.

Ultimately I want to be known for developing my own business but as I believe in the power of developing income streams from many sources network marketing is still a powerful source to consider.

Diane Corriette runs Women Internet Marketers at and a network marketing business with VM Direct at Blog21916
Vitia Blog9329

Direct Mail Marketing Goes Rogue

I recently received the fabulous news that I had won 5,000.00. You know what they say about things that sound too good to be true they usually are. So I looked for a phone number absent. I then looked at the return address Canada. Canada? I had a closer look at the delivery envelope Royal Mail frank, i.e. it had been posted from the UK. Strange. I did a Google search for company name. At number 2 was a link to an article in the Mirror entitled Rogue Mail. Yep it was a slick scam which was apparently netting the operators millions of pounds because to claim your prize you had to send a payment, in this case 20.00.

Now many would have been outraged at receiving such a letter. Instead, I saw it as a great learning opportunity not, I hasten to add, because Im planning a scam of my own, but because it put into practice (with great results) many of the strategies of doing an effective and legitimate Direct Mail campaign. Here are some of the tactics adopted by this company and a few ways to improve the effectiveness of your Direct Mail campaigns.

1. Delivery Envelope

The envelope displayed the companys name and under the company name were the words Cash Release Documents. Over the window of the envelope were the words Final Notice For: which implied a sense of urgency. To the right of the envelope were the words OPEN AT ONCE i.e. a strong call to action. This company obviously knew the strength of using teaser copy, i.e. copy to whet the appetite of the reader.

2. Reply Envelope

Including an addressed reply envelope generally increases the response rate and a reply envelope was dutifully included in this case. Some Direct Mail marketers use FREEPOST envelopes but the problem with this is that it can increase the response rate of junk mail.

3. Main Letter

The main letter was well-presented and looked official. The letter had been folded in three and the body of the letter was laid out in such a way that the information above the first fold was compelling as well as the information between the folds and at the bottom of the letter.

We tend to scan letters reading the headline, sub-headers and footers first and taking in any other striking information so this was a clever marketing tactic. In fact, the headline is critical to the success of the Direct Mail campaign. Given our short attention span, some attribute 90% of the success of a Direct Mail campaign to using a captivating headline.

In this case, above the fold and in italics, there was a short paragraph preceded by the word Attention and containing the word CONGRATULATIONS notifying me that I had won a prize and it was ready for dispensation. The prize would be held for me until I responded (by post) according to the terms of the letter. Then there was another call to action.

The letter went onto to say that as soon as I responded my cheque would be dispatched to me using a registered courier service. This helped to reinforce the fact that I had to act quickly to take advantage of this offer.

The middle section gave details about the prize and an option to have the money released in one lump sum or to have 4 equal payments. A no-brainer proposition when you think about it but what this copy did was reinforce the fact that there was money at stake here.

The information in the last segment recapped the information previously expressed and reinforced the need to act quickly or lose my prize.

4. Signature

The scanned signature was legible and in blue. Believe it or not this is another important feature of Direct Mail letters. Signatures should be legible and research has shown that the best colours for your signature are process or reflex blue. The rest of the text should be black against, ideally, a white, off-white or pale yellow background.

5. Postscript

All well-constructed sales letters will contain a strong postscript to end such as reminding potential customers of the key benefits of the item being sold or of the steps to take. In this case the reader was reminded that they could spend the money any way they liked encouraging those who had been lured to this point to imagine how they would spend their unexpected windfall.

6. Order Form

Naturally, Direct Mail Marketing campaigns will contain an order form. The order form should stand out from the main letter. One way to achieve this is to print it on paper of a different colour such as blue or pink. Another marketing tactic is to give the order form a different title. Think about it, most people are averse to form-filling. They find it tiresome. In this case the order form was headed Cheque Release Form where the first two words neutralised any negative impact the word form might have had.

These tactics can all contribute towards generating high-income earning legitimate Direct Mail campaigns. The letter I received was slick but there were several errors or irregularities as I have glossed over here. In my next article Ill highlight these irregularities or the things to avoid when sending out a Direct Mail Campaign.

Its sad then that people stoop this low to con people out of their money when they could apply the similar tactics and elicit money honestly. Unfortunately, there will always be vulnerable or easily influenced individuals who will fall for these unscrupulous Direct Mail tactics. I hope this article will help to make people more aware of the scams that are going on and that less people will be duped by them. Oh, by the way, the name of the company Global Escrow Services.

Nickolove Lovemore is a Life & Success Coach and NLP Practitioner. Please visit for more articles and offers.Victoria Blog11542
Verine Blog21409

Searchforithere The New Age NO Pay Per Click Search Engine

It often happens that we search for information on the Internet and log on to the search engine websites to find the right stuffs there. The searches that take place in the search engines are related to diverse subjects and issues. Accordingly, the scope and utility of the various search engines are widespread and covers various subjects.

In this era of specialization, search engines are also not far behind in its implementation. With many of the search engines becoming more specific to one or few subjects, this whole procedure is likely to become more user- friendly day by day. One such search engine is searchforithere, which in addition to covering a wide array of general categories, specializes mainly for web marketing and advertising. This website has of late attracted attention of the numerous web users who log on to the internet to buy commodities and services online. This site provides a strong platform for online business for organizations engaged in e-commerce and online marketing.

Searchforithere provides you the right platform to effectively communicate with your targeted internet users and make them aware about your website and business. While it might take a long time for your website to feature on the first page of various search engines, in searchforithere you can display your website on the desired page with the unique advertising options of this website. Searchforithere help in developing e-commerce business for small, medium sized or large organizations. Their business plan consists of a nominal monthly fee. The advertisers and clients are not charged for each click, whatever may be the website traffic. The company is also working in tandem with the SEO service experts and manual submitters so as to enhance the technical development of the site.

Based on page popularity measured by the number of links (the rank of the page depends on the optimum number of links you have submitted) the SEO services implemented by this website has earned for its clients greater profit and helped them in successful web marketing. As globalization is picking pace, concepts like internet marketing and advertising on the internet are on the rise. In this form of marketing, products and services are advertised on the internet that generate successful leads and increase business turnover of organizations. Concepts like back links advertising, banner advertising, e-mail marketing, interactive advertising, and email advertising are some of the well known phrases as far as web marketing and advertising is concerned.

Searchforithere helps its clients in driving up their sales and revenues. It also takes special care in answering the queries regarding the facilities provided by the website and affordability of this search engine. They believe that their search optimization is designed for the customers to shop easily and find items they have been looking for. Searchforithere is the combination of all these services. It encompasses the concepts of web directory that in the long run gives a solid platform in linking to other websites and categorizing those links. Other than these, online shopping and online businesses is also promoted through this search engine. The company also offers excellent customer support facilities along with its service offerings.

This new age search engine with several useful features is definitely a website to ponder upon. It offers the opportunity to advertise your website so that you can reach your customers instantly. The websites featuring in searchforithere are so well categorized that customers searching for their desired products and services will be able to find them in the most convenient manner. So if you want to drive your online sales and also want to publicize your website, searchforithere can be the best option in your endeavor.

Paul Festian is the author of this article. This newest Search Engine offers Advertising and Web Marketing with no click charges. For more information visit Please Visit :-Essy Blog95876
Esmeralda Blog16158

Law Marketing How To Increase Your Revenue By An Average Of 27%

Law marketing is not that complex. It is much easier than becoming a lawyer! Here is a brief listing of law marketing items in order of importance telling you how to get more than a 27% increase on average in revenue within one year using marketing for lawyers well.

1. Raise client fees by at least 5% now most attorneys can do so, however, they dont know it. Marketing for lawyers involves understanding pricing strategies and techniques.

2. Capture all billable hours many attorneys are not keeping contemporaneous time. They are doing it at the end of the day, the end of the week or even the end of the month. Plus they are writing down their time from fear the client will protest the amount of time so they cut the time. There is at least a 5% to 10% increase in revenue here for many attorneys. You will have less law marketing to do if you get paid for the work you are doing now.

3. Begin to bill for legal assistants I still find solo and small firm attorneys who are not billing for legal assistants time. In marketing for lawyers it is a good strategy to bill for legal assistants given the way managers and entrepreneurs make money is by leveraging themselves on the work of others. Additionally, it is in the best interest of the client to have the least expensive yet appropriately competent staff to do the work if possible.

4. Begin to hold your team accountable for billable hours start small with requiring 20 hours per week of billable time and then move it up to 30 hours per week over time. Do figure out a bonus plan for them as well to give them an incentive to hit the mark. Failure to hold staff accountable is often caused in law practice management by the desire to be liked. Managers are not always liked although they dont have to be feared either.

5. Begin to have all timekeepers doing only timekeeping work and hire a secretary/receptionist to allow them to focus on billable time. In marketing for lawyers your timekeeping staff needs to be focusing on the timekeeping not non-billable work that can be done by less costly but competent staff.

6. Hire some team/more team some solos dont have any staff and many solo/small firms do not have enough/the right staff.

7. Identify your top two or three revenue producing practice areas and limit your practice to those practice areas. Do only law marketing into your two or three selected practice areas.

8. Refer out (if ethically appropriate) or at least stop taking C & D clients and get A & B client files moving faster with more referrals coming in due to the happy A & B clients telling others about you. This is one of the best law marketing strategies since it gives velocity to your word of mouth with good clients who are loyal to you not loyal to your price.

9. Begin relationship law marketing to existing A&B referral sources that will result in more business fast as well as asking them to introduce you to their A&B colleagues that will result in more A&B referral sources.

10. Getting a handle on time management will enable the attorney and the team to get more billable hours in the same work hours and/or more velocity on contingency cases thus more revenue. This also means less marketing for lawyers time needed or more time for law marketing if needed.

11. Begin to ask clients for referrals (multiple times, multiple ways and in systematic ways) and ask clients to introduce you to other influencers they know. This is a stellar marketing for lawyers strategy.

12. Create a website that works on the CTPM model. Dont know what the CTPM model is? See my website under the Internet marketing tab for openers.

13. Begin using law marketing direct mail strategies here I am talking about regular mailings to your database at the very least and consider other direct mail strategies particularly to potential referral sources.

14. Begin using marketing for lawyers radio advertising this can work well for some in small markets or if you can target your client market accurately it works well in a larger market.

15. Begin using law marketing TV advertising only if you are in a smaller market or can target well on a cable channel is my best advice and never do TV advertising before you have done all of the other things above since you may have no need if you did all the other things above.

Well, there you go. Law marketing is not that complex to understand. It is a more difficult to implement of course thus the value of coaching. I have written two free e-courses designed for law marketing. One is on time management/productivity that addresses the points above in more depth so dont think it is not about law marketing. The other e-course is on client development that addresses in depth more about law marketing. Pick them up now on my website at the resources tab. After all they are free and you can use the money I would imagine.

Henry has individually coached well over 500 attorneys. You can get more free, in depth and objective information on increasing your revenue while reducing your work hours available now at Blog31544
Evie Blog3550

Gift Card Swap: Make the Best Gift Even Better!

Gift cards are the ultimate in convenience, speed and flexilibity when it comes to gift-giving.

But... I bet you never expected there was a way to make them even better! That's right... there are places and services that will swap out that gift card you got but didn't really use or want... for another one which is the perfect one for you.

You can exchange cards you got for free

We all want something for free. And there are many many free gift cards out there from stores and merchants who want to hype up their business with new customers... Well, now you can use these cards together with a swap service to get pretty mcuh anything you ever wanted for free! How great is that!

You can exchange cards from business contacts

You know that card you got from your coworker's wife or his step-brother or whatever. He doesn't know you at all, or what you like, and dislike. It's weird... But whatever to that. Now you don't have to give a fake smile or anything, just accept the gift card knowing that later, you can swap it out.

If youre picky, this is the ideal solution

Many people are known for being picky gift receivers. It's hard to be picky when you're getting a gift card, but it's certainly possible! If you are indeed one of these people, then a gift swap service is perfect for you or someone you know who got that gift card.

If you have a movie a gift card you're in luck!

Movie gift cards are good for just about anyone, anywhere, at any time. It's just extremely easy to swap a movie or a blockbuster gift card for something else that you like. So if you ever get one of these and you didn't want it, don't groan internally, it's about the best type of card you can get.

Angela Bacci is the writer and creator of giftickles, a new rockin' rowdin' website dedicated to the genius that is and always will be gift cards! Come check us out at!Frederica Blog67452
Felita Blog74340

The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide: 15 tips to fast email marketing success!

A practical "how-to" list for email marketing success, from small to large business.

Email marketing is easy (--ponder--) if you know how to do it. Wow, you have heard that one before, I'm sure. Is that not always the case - with almost anything? So, why even say it?

Because - in this case it is really true.

However, so many small businesses make it more complex than it is; they don't fully understand or grasp the impact of list building, what tools, services and techniques are available, and don't recognize what a successful campaign and its results can and will mean for their businesses.

We believe that a) simplicity of application, b) knowledge - and c) immediate action are the first steps to success. And, everything done in an ethical way - you got permission based marketing. Full speed ahead!

1. Get the legalities out of the way.

Did you know that recent changes in the search engine algorithms now recognize a privacy policy page as an important metric in the total number of items that helps your ranking and visibility? In fact, Google has over 100 variables that make up the secret sauce of their algorithmic search engines. Only two engineers at Google know it. (Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google chose not to learn it himself).

So, you should write and always provide a link to your privacy page. Starter text can be obtained from links below - and always make sure to review with your legal counsel for a final review. You will then include a link to it from your outgoing email campaigns.

Here are some places to start:

2. Your site must capture user via first name (last name) & email address.

Burn this into your head - make it your site requirement - day one. There are too many online businesses that forget this simple rule. It's a must. If you are reading this article, then you probably already realize the importance of mailing lists.
Your audience is looking for good (relevant!) materials to solve problems in their life and business. Capture these visitors, and continue to provide this information and free information, you can grow your business by 1000% or more almost overnight, in some cases in any future mailing. It's super-important to have - and build a quality mailing list.

On your 'landing page' (sometimes called a sales page, gateway page, squeeze page, splash page) you should try to include this capture form on the "top of the fold" of your webpage. (Think of this as single sheet of paper, folded in half. The visitors will read the top portion first, from left to right - almost in an F-shaped order).

Therefore, make sure you:
Place this input form in a strategic location, "above the fold"
Make this coding your first priority for implementation - don't make it the last - or never (which many companies do)

3. Example Signup forms.

Search the internet for example sign up forms. A great technique is to look for companies that have this in their URL. Try this in Google (type into search box): allinurl: "free newsletter" (it will search any site that has this contained in the TITLE of the page).

Some examples of successful forms: - using interesting "slanted" pop-under and image (a black/white banana)

Note that you should always apply "up selling" techniques: links to other complimentary tools, software, articles & e-books.

In other words, give something away for free.

This is the Stephen Covey "emotional bank-account" working at its best. Web surfers are getting smarter and not just links to privacy policies and terms of use are recognized, but easy to read pages that are brief and to the point, score high. (Ed note: An example can be seen on the right side at - the "free 5-day SEO email course").

4. Popups, popunders, popup blockers & search engines.

Traditional popups (yes, the annoying ones) are banned from search engines like Google.

Therefore, smart marketers have come up with other means. They are called "popunders".
They use specialized JavaScript to display a pop-up box, but it's not tracked or recognized by popup-blockers or the search engines (Ed. Note: this could change, as the search engines change their smarts all the time).

As of writing, you should use a pop-up box, and capture first name, last name & email. Don't make it an intrusive one though (it needs to follow your style sheet guidelines, in other words).
Another way to go is to use what's called 'house-banners' -- ads that display compelling graphics, text - and uses your own local advertising system (example: double-click).

Here's what to do to capture interested visitors:
Apply a page that "slides" onto your page, and have it appear after 5 seconds.
Display this email form capture on all pages.
Only show it once, and only repeat 2-3 days later (assuming they come back). Many of the email marketing systems include this feature for you.
Annoying, but it works. I went from 5% signups a day a 75% increase overnight - only a few weeks back.

Tip: Make a note that the popup is from your site- not a partner site. (sometimes popups are thought to be from sponsors, make a note to your visitor that it's from you).

5. Do you have a newsletter you are trying to promote? Up-sell is the answer!

If you are promoting a newsletter, outside of just getting visitors to sign up, there are 3rd parties vendors that can help you publish and sell your newsletter. Throughout all campaigns, you must make sure to provide useful, relevant and unique content.

Some options for you: - get signups on thank you pages of other subscription forms this is a great way to promote your wares
Partner with companies you find, and call them up. Search for 'newsletter publishers' in Google.
When you write articles (yes, you should) - make sure to make a note in the "About Author" that you publish or have newsletters available.

TIP/Warning: Beware of commercial co-regs -- they typically have poor quality names and offers.

6. Get the best and highest performing email service.

Don't skimp here. A few extra dollars a month can really save you a lot of headaches. We worked with one company that went from about 1,000 emails on their list, down to about 100 in 24 hours, (when they switched providers). They quickly realized that they had made a bad choice.

Here's what to consider initially:
ASP hosted solutions are now connected with ISPs to ensure uptime/deliverability
Desktop applications can work well for you, for example, Gamma Dyne Mailer:
Autoresponse Plus, GetResponse, Aweber are a good place to start reviewing options.

You can also add monitoring services to make sure that emails get delivered, and keep the highest integrity of your emails via tracking.

Here are a few companies that work with monitoring:
1. pipersoftware

Other email marketing services to review are:
Global intellisystems
Got campaigner
Vertical response
1stshoppingcart (shopping cart, affiliate programs and autoresponder)

You also need to understand and read the updated laws about email marketing and spam. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2004 is FTC governed, and the they will pursue any SPAM artist to the fullest extent of the law.

Make sure you have:
Working unsubscribe
Be careful where you get the lists
Avoid fraudulent subject lines
Include postal address, phone, privacy policy
Porn must be identified in subject line (SEXUALLY EXPLICIT)
Opt-out lists, including 'double-opt-in' (user must click to approve the email)

Tip: It's important to have a strict and trusted email service. Reputable email marketing companies will upload a few emails from your list and test your list to verify. Then, they'll approve or deny you.

7. Test, test & track, track.

No MBA student, no computer scientist, web braniac or 30 year veteran of marketing, both online and off - can predict what visitors will click on, and why. We can all make really great educated guesses, but they are only that. So, you really need to test your campaigns. Online marketing compared to traditional marketing (print, media) is vastly different.

Here's how to do it:
Test the campaigns with A/B Split test tactics - specifically on subject line and ad copy, it can help improve newsletter and pages immensely. (A/B refers to capability of serving up different content or ads, or headlines, sections on your page and campaign - that can be tracked)
Tracking conversions from email blasts (cookies and JavaScript and beacons on landing pages, thank you pages, etc)
Got campaigner and topica are high-end products, aweber is doing split-testing now (we use this - with great success)
Good reporting and database segmentation to section off to demographics, recency, frequency, sales totals
Use relevant and powerful headlines. Use and to get keywords to back up your headline in content. (Ed Note: The site is dedicated to copywriting for the Internet)

8. Formatting and send options.

Formatting is an important element of any newsletter or mailing. Unfortunately, a love of companies go wild on graphics, sound, multi-media to present "their" branding or look/feel. It's important to have a clean mailer.

What are the options? See a few below:
text only
combination of the above & multi-part MIME

Key facts to consider:

Text more easily can penetrate spam filters, gets thru company firewalls, but only preferred by 15% to 25%.

HTML has more advantages, will double or triple the click-thru on text, nicer, pretty graphics, tracking better. It can also track opens, click-thrus and conversions. If the email marketing system supports it (most do) - send both.

Tip 1: Send Multi-part MIME, not just straight HTML
Tip 2: Place a URL reference in email to actual content on your website
Tip 3: Microsoft Outlook "Preview" mode: make sure it looks ok. Many will have this "on" by default - and it may reflect your email poorly (try it!). has a great article on this and how it can affect "opens". Graphics are often blocked too, so your intended "pretty" newsletter may not look the way you planned under these circumstances.
Tip 4: Make sure font is large enough for "older" folks and the smaller monitors

9. How often to send? How about text size?

In company marketing strategy meetings, where all the 'masters' will create their online strategies -- do not seem to agree. We'll outline a few scenarios below.

Daily if you have a good "alert" system (ex: Google alerts) - this will not make sense for most companies. CNN news alerts are ok though.

Once a week.
Weekly ok if you have a strong listener base, and compelling content.

Once a month.
Monthly probably best for most small businesses. Overall - you want to retain "mindshare" - so they don't forget you, but still not too much "in their face".

How long should the text be?
Short, with longer description on website. People "scan", not read
Keep it tight, focused on brief -- "read here for more" (link to full page)

Tip 1: Archive URL's on your site, and allow it to be searched later. It's "spider-food", and you get recognized as an expert as well.
Tip 2: Also, a link to "send to friend" ('found this article, thought you'd be interested')
Tip 3: Use personalization (Dear Bob, Hello Cathy, etc.) - increases opening and reading by 50-60%. Work on the relationship -- build trust and credibility. Note: Don't overuse in the newsletter! Better to be a little conservative, than too friendly.

10. Campaigns and newsletters take time. How-to get it done in your workweek.

Unless you have a dedicated staff, you must do this yourself. Add this task to your calendar (with a recurring reminder), and consider this your "must-do" work.

Tips that work well:
Allocate some time your calendar, book it - and execute, don't delay
Use it as a marketing expense, track it in the books
Hire a writer (, - and use search for 'copywriters' (in your niche)
Test with innovative audio and video options, outsource if necessary
Make sure to include testimonials

11. Auto-responders.

Auto responders are a fantastic and simple way to turn your business on automated 24x7 attendance. Use them, learn them and build your list and responsiveness from this feature alone. Your list will grow, which you will use for future mailings and offers. Auto-responders are software systems that allow for total automation of messaging.

Here are another few tips for you to help build your list and credibility:

Follow up for an e-Book (example: 3 days after first mailing, send "did you get the email?" In that mailing, provide a link to a free download e-book, offers, etc)
Follow up to the subscription - 'thank you'
Training series ("5-day SEO email course") -- see example on seo email course
Create free email courses, courses send every 1-2 days for a short period (less than a week).

12. Isn't use of email as a business tool dead?

Answer: No it is not. It's part of our lives, and email is still very effective. It's accepted, and with filters and advanced software solutions, it is managed.

Here are some tips and tools:

Many programs use filtering (ISP)
Bounces can be recorded: soft, hard (to edit/maintenance your list)
Cloudmark Desktop (report spam) - helps the community at large

Amazon does a lot of things with email. They have applied a cool system with personalization. They have supposedly as high as a 14% conversion rate!

Tip: Do you need to check your email for SPAM? Try sending your campaign or email to: -- you'll get an email response back with a rating of 0 thru 5.

13. Wave of the future - "white-listing".

Email marketing is not going away, as some have alluded to. The key is to stay within the form and function of the email marketing community. Newer options exist for creating "white lists" (universally accepted lists) - a few of these new services are listed here:

Sender Certification is an important change which has been used for a while already.

Here are a few companies:
Sender Score Certified

Habeas is expensive at $15,000 a year, and only recommended for serious, large email marketing companies. Goodmailsystems (used by AOL and Yahoo) is also another high-end product. Search on Google for 'email sender certification'.

Tip: Definitely a "future" thing, and growing in use today. You get a (good) reputation for being an email sender, and can build a strong business around this as well.

14. What other technical issues should I review?

Check spelling, graphics, relative links, use the free software XENU to get amazingly detailed reports. The Webmaster reports at the bottom of one of their reports provide a lot of good detail, perfect for executive overview.

Other tips:
Make sure to use http://, not just www... in your LINK references. Your link may not work without it.
Research shows that Tue, Wed, Thu works well for B2B (but, make sure to test!)
Some B2C lists are better on the weekends (personal feeling about this)

15. Landing pages.

We've talked about this topic in several places in the article. It's so important, we dedicate a special section here.

A landing page is a strategically developed (content and visuals) page that you bring your potential customers to. It's a call-to-action page. Many just bring their prospective customers to a home page where other non-related items may appear, including no specific instructions. You only have a few seconds to get him or her to react.

If you are not great at writing, you can hire a copywriter, check and, sometimes as low as 30-40 bucks for a pretty good writer.

Test, test, test and location, location, location.

You must test and track (metrics) your pages and run A/B splits (change a few things like color, title, subhead, etc - and not too much at the same time). You can use a free service Google analytics to get started.

More expensive ones are clicktracks, omniture, hitbox, hitlens - and the ultimate wholly grail testing, tuning and tracking system is the taguchi models (multi-variant optimizers).

The human eye scans from top left to right in a downstream manner.

The call-to-action items (like "sign up for my newsletter") would get optimal viewing if placed here, in this F-shaped Golden Triangle. Also, as we mentioned - above the fold!

Make sure you have some free downloads and give-aways, surfers love quizzes and mini-tests, including email courses, using autoresponders for immediate follow-up and tracking.

Your email campaigns should take them to a landing page for more / better conversion.

Tip: Add a "Special Message" block on your page and in your email text and allow users to discuss on your forum or in your blog link.

Jon Rognerud is a recognized authority on the subject of SEO and Online Marketing, and has spent over 10 years developing websites and marketing solutions for companies like Overture, Yahoo and Expedia. Valry Blog68250
Flore Blog22128

Easy Ways To Make Extra Cash Online

There are numerous simple and easy ways to make some extra cash online. This article will give you some ideas.


One of the best ways to earn some extra cash online is by taking surveys. There are many companies that need consumer opinions on a wide range of topics, and many of them will pay you money or with points you can redeem for cash or prizes. It's easy and free to signup and the more surveys you take, the more money and prizes you will get. It just takes a small investment of your time.


If you have decent writing skills, there are many publishers and content distributors who need content for their websites. Two such sites are and, they will pay you for each article you write. You don't have to be a fantastic writer either, just have a good grasp of English and be able to write something of interest on a given topic.


Blogging is fun and easy and, again, you don't need great writing skills. You just need to be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas well. You can get your own customizable blog by getting a domain and hosting package that includes the Fantastico module. This module allows you to install the blogging software, WordPress, with 1 simple click. It's super fast and easy and you'll be blogging in no time. Once you have some visitors, you can add Adsense ads or affiliate ads to leverage your visitors and make money from them. Remember, the more interesting your topic, the more people will be interested, and the more readers you get, the more money you will make from your advertising. Blogs can be about anything, what do you have a passion for? What is your interest? Blog about it!

Affiliate Marketing

Many online companies have affiliate programs., for instance, has a great affiliate program that allows you to sign up and get a customized URL to any page or area of their site. Then you can send this URL to your friends and family and encourage them to buy gifts from With every purchase from your affiliate link, you get a commission! There are thousands of other affiliate programs out there, in addition to Amazon's program.

Sell Your Extra Stuff

We all have extra stuff laying around our houses or garages. Why not get rid of it and make some money too? Get your stuff and take a picture, write a description and put it up on eBay. You may find that something you thought that wasn't worth anything, is actually worth something!

Contests, Sweepstakes and Instant Win Games

Everyday there are new contests, sweepstakes and instant win games launching. If you are vigilant and spend an hour or a few a day entering contests and playing these games, you will win something eventually. Playing these games and contests is often fun anyway, so why not take a chance? Check out for a great list of contests, sweepstakes and instant win games.

Free Lottos

You know how you go to the convenience store every week and spend a few bucks on lottery tickets? Well, there are also online lotteries where you can get tickets and win cash prizes. The difference is, these lotteries are free! Yes, free! You can find a list of free lottos at

Online Casinos

There are hundreds of different online casinos on the web. I bet you thought that you needed money to play at them and win? Well, you were wrong. You can signup for free poker tournaments that have cash prizes. There are also slot, roulette and blackjack tournaments that you can play that have real money prizes. All for free! Check out and for listings.

There you go, 8 fun and easy ideas to make some extra cash online!

Lydia Quinn writes for, a free and comprehensive paid survey directory list. Visit us at: http://www.paidsurvey24.comValentia Blog46951
Virginia Blog89042

An Effective Marketing Tip Means Business

Is your business just coasting along? Has it been awhile since youve noticed a peak in sales? Are you looking for a way to increase business? An effective marketing tip could really make a positive difference in your business. There are many marketing ideas available to the entrepreneur. Finding one that works for you may require some research and perhaps even trial and error. No doubt with the right advice and venue, you can find a marketing tip that will result in business growth.

An effective marketing tip for one business may not work well for your business. The first step to take in determining what might work well for you is to figure out who your target audience is. For example, if you were promoting skin care, your target audience would likely be female. An effective marketing tip in this case would be to advertise in womens magazines, on the womens television network and any other venues that cater to the female population. Another great marketing tip in this scenario might be to set up a booth in a high traffic shopping area and provide complementary facials. Tradeshows are also great venues for promoting skin care. Either of these ideas used as a marketing tip could be quite beneficial and mean business.

Many individuals are taking advantage of the worldwide access provided by doing business online. Web site promotion is a marketing tip that has been increasing sales for many companies and businesses in recent years. Using web site promotion as a marketing tip requires some work and may mean the need to hire a professional web designer. However, if this marketing tip proves to be effective, the money spent would have been well worth it.

If looking for a marketing tip that might help your business, browsing the Internet for similar products or services may prove to be beneficial. Researching what other individuals are doing to attract business would provide you with prospective methods of marketing your product or service. If you see that a specific marketing strategy is having a positive impact on a similar business, it would certainly be worth implementing in your marketing plan. Nobody is ever happy when their business is taking a downward spiral. It would be so much nicer to see sales increase and business sky-rocket. An effective marketing tip could put you at the top of your game and make the competition sit up and take notice.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written many articles on business marketing. For more information checkout Blog99188
Florenza Blog34282

How You Can Build A Profitable Business In Puppetry

How You Can Build A Profitable Business In Puppetry

Let me begin by ask you this question, What business are you in? Stop and really think about it. What business are you really in? We have often met business owners who share struggles like these:

Our competitors are always slashing their prices and we cant compete.
Our clients are always asking for a discount.
Every time I do something different, it gets copied almost instantaneously.

While these are all very valid reasons, we would just say that in todays business environment, reasonable price, good service and high quality is really a prerequisite anyone to be in business. In fact, just having reasonable pricing, good customer service and high quality in your products or services will not necessarily guarantee that your business will thrive.

First realize that you are in the business of marketing. Your business exists to market your product or service to the people out there. The key is that you first have to understand that the number one purpose for the existence of any business is always to add value to others. Look at it this way, if you are not adding value to your clients, there really isnt any reason for them to pay you more, is there?

Now you would have noticed that I have highlighted the word clients above and there is a reason for that. I have learnt from Jay Abraham that when you begin to see the people that your business serves as clients and not customers, you begin to put your business in a whole new perspective and with that new perspective you will find endless ways to add value to your clients.

Just for clarification, the major distinction between clients and customers is that customers are a people who buy goods or services from a shop or business and clients are people who are in a long term relationship with you and your business.

So in summary:

1. See that the no.1 purpose of your business is to add value to others in whatever field of endeavour you are in.

2. To add value, you would need to continuously educate your clients on why they should use your product or service, what benefits are there to them, why they should buy it from you and how they can do it. And this can only be done through marketing.

Until Then
Have A Profitable Day

Donald Ng

p/s: Visit us at for more ideas and strategies to build a profitable puppetry business.

Donald Ng is first and foremost an entrepreneur having started his first business venture when he was 10 when he had the experience of buying things at cost, repackaging them, adding value to it and selling them for a profit. He began buying sweets in buld, repackaged it and hand delivered the sweets to classrooms and made a nice profit from it.Filia Blog84655
Felice Blog87720

How To Find Out Deceptive Credit Card Offer

The internet is the place of limitless ideas, products, businesses and anything under the sun. It could also be a place of deceptive offers and persuasive advertisements?

Credit cards are already becoming a must-have item nowadays. People are seeking to own one to facilitate their shopping and traveling. Credit cards are very important properties that can be equated to cash. Almost every product that is available for sale can be purchased using the credit card. Restaurants are offering foods to be served for a credit card. Hotel rooms are made available in one swipe. Plane tickets and cruise line fees at hand provided by credit cards. There is nothing to ask for if one has a credit card.

Debts are natural to be included in credit cards. And these debts can be directly relative to the card issuer company. There are many things to look up to when credit card and credit card offers is being the subject of the conversation.

The internet, being the place of instant shop less the hassle, is also becoming the place of fraudulent offers be it form any product and even to credit cards. There are fake or marketing companies that use the internet to win attention from people who would want to their own credit card. There are a lot of them and they are drastically growing.

These companies are not actually lending companies. They can appear to be foundations that offer credit solution and the like but acts and talks the same way as a credit company. There are many ways and strategies that they are doing just to capture the attention of many and rob their money. What are the things that these fake lending companies are saying and what are the offers they frequently brag? Here are some pointers to consider on how to know whether a lending company is a fake or not.

-When companies are starting to offer zero interest and low interest at the same time but not telling what type of credit card is going to be given, chances are that the company is not giving away or is not a lending company but a marketing or sales company. This company maybe referring to one-time-credit-cards or gift checks that can be used to purchase products from the company. The card that they will give can never be used in any ATM around the world.

-When companies disregard your credit history or situation, then these certain companies maybe just pretending to be real. No lending company will disregard a credit situation of a client. Companies think first of the profits that they can get from the client and will not accommodate any losses due to non-payment.

-When companies disregard the age and employment status of a person, there is a higher possibility that these companies are just make-believing. The capacity of a person to pay is determined through his employment status. When this is disregarded, what good can it bring to the lending company? In addition, most banks and lending companies prioritize those younger person rather than the old ones. This is in lieu with the ability-to-pay scheme that lending companies are implementing.

There are still a lot of doubtful offers that you may encounter not just in the internet but also in newspapers and other media. To make sure you will not be victimized by these people, try to contact reliable banks and lending companies rather than infamous lending companies.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog45093
Viva Blog5244

Start Your Own Online Home Business With A Money Making Site

In the past I have fallen for the hype and wasted a lot of money because I really did not know what I was doing or did not have the experience and knowledge to put everything together to make an online home business work, so here are some tips to start your own online home business off on the right foot and how to make money online.

When you think about it, having a successful online business means that you will need to own your own domain, which will enable you to alter, add to and change your web site when necessary. You ideally need the opportunity of offering a free newsletter that visitors to your site can subscribe to, so you will require an autoresponder to be installed and a series of follow-up emails will need to be written. You will require products to sell and ideally you need to use companies who ship the goods on your behalf, otherwise you will need to get involved in accepting payments and shipping the goods, which you will have had to purchase first yourself. These are only a few of the basics and one can see that it can be very involved and complicated.

But let us look at what else may be required, just so that you are fully aware of what starting an online home business is all about. Owning your own domain and having access to your source code gives you the freedom to do what you like to your site, which means you have control of your business, but this will require knowledge of html. Internet Marketing is another animal altogether! You need visitors, lots of them, to your site to generate signups and sales, so ideally the online home business opportunity should offer a full training program and a forum where you can go to discuss your business, get assistance and ultimately you can offer help to others.

The ultimate of course is to find a business-in-a-box. This means that your website will come fully set up with the affiliate programs loaded and you will be able to select your own domain name and then be in a position to add any other programs to the site. The all important autoresponder should also be installed and ready to fire off emails to your subscribers, plus you will be able to add more follow-ups to your autoresponder.

You will be able to install a link exchange program to create linking partnerships, a stat counter, add banners or text links, change the colour and design of your site, choose your keywords and optimize your site for the search engines, link your blog to your site, add an article directory, stream fresh content onto your site, upload ebooks, software and more. Literally, you can do whatever you want as you have full control of your own online home business.

You may well be thinking that this is all too complicated and you do not have the knowledge, but that is the great advantage of joining an online program that sets your money making site up for you and with a comprehensive training program in place and an active forum which you can join and actively participate in, you will have all the help you need.

Starting an online home business does not mean that you are going to be generating an income immediately. You need to give yourself time to work through the training, learn and implement all that you can. It is a step-by-step process that takes time but each step you take builds your business. The marketing and advertising of a web site needs consistent, ongoing work, as you need to build momentum to ensure that your money making site is visible to as many people as possible.

If you have decided to start your own online home business you are in for an exciting time. You will experience frustrations and setbacks, but these can be overcome with the support and backup. The secret is just to press on and never quit. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. The learning curve may be steep, but work hard and have fun and once the momentum kicks in with your marketing and advertising you will start to make money online and reap the rewards of all the hard work you have put in.

Cynthia Minnaar works from home online and invites you to visit for ways to generate income online. Visit to start your own online home business with a money making site complete with 400 day pre-written email autoresponder campaign.Faustina Blog61783
Felice Blog87720

How Predator Marketing System Eliminates The Reasons Why Most People Fail With Running An Online Home Based Business

Working from home and owning your own home based business has become the American dream for many people. Entrepreneurs strive to find the right home business solution that will allow them to retire quickly and enjoy their financial freedom. The fact is that 99% of them fail and never succeed with this venture. This is caused by lack of the right marketing knowledge and not enough time to manage their business. Now there is a new solution to that problem. Predator Marketing System is a company that launched on September of 2006 and brought a new kind of home based business that was going to change the way people make money online. Complete automation of an online business is what is going to allow people to succeed with this business. The main three factors of Predator Marketing System are traffic generation, lead generation, and automated process of closing sales.

Driving traffic to your website is what makes your entire business successful. You must be able to put your website in front of targeted prospects that are interested in the product or service you are selling. Without the traffic your business will never take off the ground and will fail. Most people do not even realize that running a home based business could be very difficult. The internet is highly saturated with all kinds of information and other people that are trying to make it, which is why it became so difficult to drive highly targeted traffic to your website. With Predator Marketing System this problem has been resolved. The system uses a well known company Veretekk to drive traffic to its website. Veretekk is a leading company in generating highly qualifying leads for home based business people. Imagine being able to own 20 lead capture pages that generate leads for your business 24/7. With Predator Marketing System you will be able to break through all the competition and put your website in front of the prospects that are willing to buy your product or service.

Lead generation is another main reason why most people fail with running their own online business. You must be able to connect with your visitors and make them contact you about your product or opportunity. Predator Marketing System uses state of the art lead generation systems to bring you prospects ready to buy and join your opportunity. Through varies traffic portals and highly sophisticated software you can generate leads for your home based business. Predator Marketing System developed a strategy to scan and filter out the bad leads from the good ones. This ensures a nice flow of your sales which brings you more profit right into your pocket.

Another main reason why people fail with their online business ventures is because they do not have the necessary skills to close the sale. Lets be realistic, 99% of people do not how to approach the prospect and get them to buy whatever they are selling. This is the reason why many people get discouraged and simply quit their business. With Predator Marketing System you will have your own sales team. The team has been trained by some of the most successful speakers and closers. Now you dont even need to talk to your prospects and get them to buy. You are going to have your own team of professionals that will do this for you.

Predator Marketing System is one of a kind marketing system that automates almost every aspect of running a successful online business. By being able to drive traffic, generate high quality leads, and close sales, anyone with no skills or marketing knowledge can finally succeed with making money on the internet. Its like the missing puzzle has been just handed to you and now all you have to do is put it to work for you.

Pawel Reszka is an internet marketer, coach, and trainer. Please visit his website at for details about this great opportunity.Verina Blog35614
Estelle Blog42448

Money Making Opportunities On The Web

With so many money making programs flooding the internet these days it can become overwhelming. It can become difficult to determine which ones are legitamate and which ones are "scams", "gifting programs", or "pyramid schemes". I would recommend doing extensive research on any one particular program before joining

What you can do and what I look for is, are the owners contact information readily available on their website. This is very important and I would suggest you contact them with any questions you may have. Take note of how fast they respond to your inquiry and if they seem honest about the costs involved engaging in the program. This will provide invaluable piece of mind and confidence for you in the long run.

I have joined programs without contacting the administrator and have been burned in the past. I have found the ones that provide good communication are the ones worth your time and money. The programs with poor response or communication are generally the scam programs so proceed with much caution. I would not recommend joining these.

There are some programs that even offer various "levels" from which to choose. I would recommend these for anyone looking to add some cash to their bank accounts. In addition some of these really are decent business opportunities which will require you to obtain a merchant account to accept all types of payment on your websites.

Many of these programs will offer software from which you can download, use for yourself, and later resell for profit. This is a good business model to get involved with on the internet because most purchases on the internet are digital downloads for various software programs. Most of the software you will receive is worth thousands of dollars that you will have access to at below wholesale cost which will turn big profits for you.

Anyone who is interested in starting their own business online would definitely benefit from doing some research before jumping into whatever looks good. There are unfortunately many programs that just don't work or require tons of cash to benefit from. So do your homework, call the owners, and decide which program is best suited for you.

Robert John BeckwithFayina Blog94063
Fan Blog70421

10 Easy Tips to Help You Profit From Your Website

Hundreds of thousands of webmasters across the world make money online with their websites. Why not you? Here are 10 easy tips that you can use on your website to make it profitable. As with any good website however, you first need quality original content!

1. Google AdSense - Make money selling advertising space. While banner ads are not worth your time for the most part, Google AdSense is. Many web site owners make a comfortable living off of AdSense profit alone.

2. Affiliate Marketing - Make money referring your website traffic to other websites. Dont have a product? That is 100% O.K. Just add someone else product to your site by joining an affiliate program and forget about it. If you have related content (free information) you will see a slow trickle of income from your affiliate links.

3. Write an eBook - Sell your own idea or product. I know it sounds like a day dream, but people do this all the time. In fact, it is the most common method that people use to make money. Write an eBook, offer consultations, or make something people will use. In this category, you are only limited by your imagination.

4. Create an online directory - Sell text links. Add a directory area to your site and offer to place links to other web sites for a small fee.

5. Become a Paid Blogger. Offer to blog for companies. Blogging is fast becoming an important link building strategy for online companies. There are hundreds of small businesses that could benefit from a professional blog but, do not have the resources to hire a full time employee. You have a website, put it to use!

6. Open your own eBay store. Buy low, sell high. There is no easier place to sell than online with your own eBay store. You can concentrate on a particular type of product like coins and antiques or you can sell a wide variety.

7. Host an online competition. Offer prizes for the first, second and third place winners. Your competition can be on almost anything. Think of a way to offer a competition, create a small entry fee and you are set!

8. Create a member only area. You can create a members only site about anything from Fan Clubs, Online Newsletters, Courses and Training, Stock Trading Tips, Dating Sites, Personal Advice, Horoscopes, Family Trees, and so on. Again, your only limitation is your imagination. If you have a site already up and running, offer something in your paid members area that they cannot easily get for free.

9. Begin a paid advice service. Free information is great and will draw readers to your site. Once there, help the reader out with some basic information. Save the real meat for those that are willing to pay a small fee.

10. Sell your site. Why drag on a project for years when you can get in, get out and turn a quick (albeit smaller) profit? Create your site, get it listed in the search engines, make sure you get a few dollars a week in online advertising and sell your site for a few thousand dollars.

Joshua Watson is the author and webmaster for both and How To Guides websites. He can be contacted via email at jwatsonl@yahoo.comVinnie Blog13907
Ventura Blog27779

Internet Marketing And Starting A Home Based Business

With the growth and current size of the Internet, some of the less experienced home business owners get left behind in the World Wide Web. There are so many Internet Marketing experts out there that sometimes you can get overwhelmed with which way to go. It is vitally important that you choose the right Internet Marketing techniques to succeed at any Home Based Businesses.

Combining the power of the Internet and the excellent compensation plans of some of the better Network Marketing Businesses, anyone can achieve outstanding levels of financial freedom and success. Lack of understanding and awareness of how a business can reach success from the Internet, can be a big obstacle in our industry. The Internet is quick and people expect instant results when doing business online.

Also, despite the fact that running a work at home Internet business can often be less expensive than a traditional business and allows you access to a worldwide market at any time of the day, the truth behind starting an Internet based business is that it can be as stressful as any other business.

One of the biggest challenges you will have when you set up your Internet based business is that you have zero online presence. It is very crucial for you to spend the initial phase of your Internet business on establishing constant traffic to your website through various web promotion and marketing strategies.

When starting an online business, it is vital to honestly assess the market environment and the demand for the products and services the business will provide. In fact, the Internet and the technology associated with it, has opened new doors for home based Internet business projects that once might have been considered impossible.

The Marketing Plan should be aimed towards making money. You should be setting up your Home Based Business success with a sound Marketing Plan. Other than make substantial profits your Marketing Plan is geared towards informing prospects about your products, establish report with prospects, motivate them and show them the value of what you are presenting to them.

An Online Marketing Plan may sound like a complex job, but it is simply how you are going to promote yourself to make your wealth online. It is very important for you set a simple plan to follow in order for you to achieve the success you dream of with your own Home Business.

Mitch Cator is a Internet Marketer helping people quit their jobs and make money online from their own home. Visit Mitch's website at http://mcator.payitforward4profits.comFilide Blog28104
Ertha Blog13235

Blogging: Effective Marketing

Weblogs, or blogs were introduced in 1997. As with most new technology the initial users of blogs were those gifted in the field of technology.

The growth of blogging began as the user interface became more simplified requiring no knowledge of HTML or other specialized coding.

Today blogging is used for personal as well as business applications. In the domain of business blogging (B-Blogging) many businesses are seeing the value of a b-blog and are allowing key personnel to blog on company time. The reasons are varied, but a b-blog is useful in presenting the face behind the brand.

The best b-blogs do not look at this format of information sharing as simply a means to say whatever comes to mind. A helpful b-blog for business is one that provides customers with the following.

1) INFORMATION Customers are interested in the latest news on the products you offer and they may be very interested in the benefits your product or service has to offer.

2) ANNOUNCEMENTS By providing important new offerings or staff changes, your client may feel more connected to your firm.

3) CONTESTS In keeping with the fun nature of a b-blog, contests can be conducted through a blog that can supply visitors with a chance to receive promotional products.

4) SALES If you will be conducting a sale on your products a b-blog can provide an easy way to pass that information along to people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

5) JUST THE FAQS A b-blog is an effective way to solicit questions and then respond to them in your blog.

One of the key functions of a b-blog is to raise awareness and trust for your products and/or services while keeping things light, informal and highly personable.

B-blogs can be updated as often as you need to and your posts do not need to be exceptionally long. You should say what needs to be said and sign off. By making your comments short and to the point you will likely discover your visitors will respond better than if you insist on drawing things out.

Unlike email, customers who regularly visit b-blogs indicate it is a bonus to see the personality behind the company name. At the end of the day if you have encouraged a customer to remain a customer or if you find new prospects visiting your blog then your goodwill gesture has actually moved from a nice idea to a valuable marketing tool. Isnt that what you wanted in the first place?

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at: Blog58224
Evangeline Blog26207

Internet Marketing For Online Business

Internet marketing for your online business can be confusing, especially if you are not familiar with all of the different aspects of website marketing. This is why it can sometimes be hard to determine exactly which marketing method to use.

Many business owners are afraid to choose a marketing strategy because they fear it will not pay off. Others don't care and are willing to try virtually anything. No matter which category you fall into, you will have to eventually make a choice. Every online business needs to advertise in some way if they want to compete. At some point, you will have to take a chance. It is only after you have developed and implemented a website marketing strategy that you will truly be able to determine whether or not it was a success.

Though there are many different website marketing techniques, there is really only one way to judge the success of your online campaign. Follow-up. If you never follow-up on your marketing decisions, it will be impossible for you to determine whether or not you should continue with a specific website marketing strategy.

See, a website marketing campaign is just like any other marketing campaign. Once it is over, the results need to be analyzed and measured. Follow-up is especially important when it comes to Internet marketing for online business, because there are so many methods of advertising. By tracking your results, you can determine which methods of website marketing were effective and which methods were not. You can then adjust your methods accordingly.

If you have never tracked your website traffic or the results of a website marketing campaign, it may be hard to determine where to start. However, you shouldn't become frustrated and give up too soon. Results tracking is very important if you want to make sure you're not throwing your advertising money out the window.

The easiest way to track your site visitors is by viewing your website's logs. These logs are a record of your site visitors and can help you determine where the traffic on your website came from. By viewing these logs, you will know whether or not the visitors were a direct result of the website marketing campaign.

Just about every web hosting company provides this service to their customers. If your web host does not allow you access to these logs or if they will not send you weblog reports, you may want to consider switching web hosts.

If switching hosts is not a viable option, you can also purchase one of many software programs that are specifically designed to help you track and analyze your website marketing efforts.

Results tracking is an essential part of Internet marketing for online business. Without it, you will have a very hard time figuring out exactly how effective your website marketing campaign is. You would never know how a website visitor found your site and you would never know which advertising strategies were failures.

Effective Internet marketing for online business brings traffic to your website and then converts that traffic into paying customers. When you can accomplish this conversion on a regular basis, you will know that your website marketing strategy is truly a success.

Comprehensive Internet marketing for online business is more than just launching a campaign. You must also take an active role in market research, strategy development, campaign design, risk management, and quality control. Then, by carefully monitoring and measuring the results of your website marketing efforts, you can

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Verena Blog29705
Virginie Blog25968

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Importance Of Using GPS Advisor Tracking In A Business

People are able to do more with the options on their GPS products due to the advance in technology creating some very interesting and innovative features in these useful products. One thing that is really good about this, is that is makes it a lot easier for business owners and managers to be able to locate and monitor their employees and make sure that their vehicle is secure. Using a GPS system will be a huge help for those that need to be able to monitor company vehicles and also be able to locate all the information that you need with little hassle.

For a business owner or manager to be in a position to better keep track of company vehicles, your employees and very importantly your monthly budget a GPS system can be the answer to putting a stop to high operating costs.

Although GPS systems are a huge asset to businesses needing to monitor their company vehicles they can additional be quite beneficial to just about anyone that wishes to use them. Would you like to be able to keep track of one of your children? Install a GPS system into the car that they will be driving and you will not have to worry so much about where they are headed.

Companies that are looking to maintain their budget by being able to keep track of all company vechiles, protect themselves from any potential timesheet fraud and stop any unauthorized use of company vechilces mainly utilize a GPS tracking system. These vehicle-tracking systems are fairly easy to install and most are priced very affordably. Companies are able to keep track of their workers using a system with no monthly maintenance costs for a relatively small one-time investment. What budget conscious business would not be thrilled by that?

Many of the GPS tracking systems out there today are able to be able to report the exact destination that the employee drove to, the number of times that employee stopped the vehicle and some can even report exactly how long the car was stopped at each place the employee stopped the vehicle.

A GPS tracking system for vehicles cannot only offer comprehensive tracking of company vehicles but also equally as comprehensive reporting data. Many systems have automatic wireless downloading capabilities, the ability to monitor the speeds that the cars are driven to aid in the reduction of gas mileage and is able to be easily installed on most any type of vehicle.

The kind of technology that a GPS tracking system is capable of was virtually unheard of five years ago. During that time if you were mention anything about a GPS vehicle tracking system to someone they would more then likely look at you like they had no idea what you were talking about. However these days it seems like almost everyone knows what a GPS system is all about.

Additionally as the cost of GPS tracking systems continues to stay at a reasonable rate more and more companies are making use of them. Over the past six years these vehicle tracking systems have become extremely popular with a huge number of businesses that employ company cars.

There are a great number of companies out there today that offer to provide GPS vehicle tracking to businesses for a low monthly service fee. These types of services can alert a business owner right away about any vehicle that might be out of place or one that may have gotten into an accident. They would also be able to provide the company that they are contracting with very detailed data reports about their company vehicles.

Subscriptions can offer a lot of different options with how tracking information is transferred and what ranges of network is used. While the majority of GPS tracking systems offer real time tracking information mainly via satellite there are some systems that do not offer any information about where the vehicle has been until it has been returned.

Besides being heavily used by budget conscious businesses a GPS tracking system can be used in several other ways. Consumers can use a GPS system as a form of car security. If your car should ever be stolen you can simply track it down using the GPS system. Many individuals that are on parole have their cars outfitted with a GPS system so their whereabouts can be monitored for a certain time period. GPS systems can be useful maps as they can quickly locate the location of a destination and provide detailed driving instructions.

With as quickly as technology is advancing and improving, GPS vehicle tracking systems will be able to provide even more useful options in the very near future.

David Matthews is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog13794
Vilhelmina Blog14591

The Secret 4-Step Guide: Make Money Online Without A Website

It is a common misconception that you must have a website in order to truly make money on the internet. Don't worry, it's not your fault - the "gurus" have tricked you into thinking that a website is required to make money, all while they laugh to the bank when you purchase web hosting and a domain through their affiliate links. It's time to seperate yourself from the crowd and realize that you're being deceived.

If you want to establish yourself online, blogging is the way to do it. And, it's absolutely free. You can make $20, $50 or $100 every single day using a simple, free blog that takes less than half an hour to set up. But how do you make your money? It's a simple formula:

1.) Create your free blog and start posting about a topic you love. Baseball? Weight lifting? Hypnosis? Gardening? Virtually anything will do.

2.) Go to and click "marketplace". Find a product related to your topic (they have a very large variety of products for any audience) and create a free affiliate account with them.

3.) Add your affilate links to your blog and promote the product you chose. Talk about it's qualities, review it, how much it's helped you, and so on. People eat up stories.

4.) Get traffic to your blog by posting articles to article directories with a link back to your blog.

That's it - that's all you do to make money online. I can personally guarantee you that if you post to your blog everyday for the next 60 days and write one article to submit to a few article directories per week, you'll be making a bare minimum $20 per day with hardly effort. $20 per day for 10 to 15 minutes of work is a great trade-off, wouldn't you say?

The best part about this process is that you can repeat it, over and over. Imagine if you had 10 blogs and made the bare minimum of $20 per day with each blog. That means you'd be getting more than $200 per day, for about 2 1/2 hours of work. Compare that to a job - 8+ hours a day, for a measly couple thousand bucks every couple of weeks. It's bull.

It's time for you to make a decision. Are you going to sit around and continue to ponder how to make money online, or are you finally going to bite the bullet and going to get started? The choice is yours...

Matt Rhodes is the Editor and Webmaster of Blogging Money Maker, a blog that reveals FREE articles, tips and tricks about how to make money blogging. Go to now to start your blogging empire!Veda Blog50160
Faun Blog83079

Preventing Attrition in Network Marketing

Abstract: As leaders in network marketing, we have a responsibility do our best to prevent attrition. A list of guidelines for choosing a business is presented that, if followed, dramatically increase the chance of success for the new home based business entrepreneur.

"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival."
-Sir Winston Churchill

Such is bound to be the mantra of many of those that have jumped into the realm of home-business entrepreneurs, only to find that success was much harder to realize than originally imagined. How would our society change if we could prevent attrition in network marketing?

Over seventy thousand people a day find and start a home based business. The vast majority of these businesses fall under the classification of network marketing. This daily number is increasing by several percentage points monthly, and apparently will for years to come.

Why are more and more families starting home based businesses. The benefits of working at home, spending more time with the family, less stress, time freedom and significant tax savings are driving this trend. The proliferation of personal computers and the internet are also facilitators, essentially 'leveling the playing field', enabling corporate Americans to be just as productive, or even more so, at home. Therefore the benefits of starting a business from home far out weigh the perceived risks.

Unfortunately, there is a huge attrition rate of those venturing into this arena for the first time. They soon become disillusioned and find that building a sustainable income from home, much less the fortune they had once hoped for, is simply not as easy as they were perhaps led to believe.

If the attrition rate of your recruits is greater than 50% there is a problem either with your training of those recruits, the system that is in place for them to follow, the business itself or all of the above. Perhaps that sounds like a bold statement, especially when every recruiter in network marketing has known for years that only 'one out of ten' recruits will ever actively pursue the business. These numbers are simply not acceptable anymore, in fact they have given the industry the bad name that it must overcome, and is overcoming daily.

The following guidelines should be used by any prospective entrepreneur as he investigates a prospective business to pursue. As a recruiter, you should ask yourself these same questions about the business you are offering. The key factors in considering a successful career as a home business owner:

1. Find a Mentor. Someone who is trustworthy, who has a system in place and who is having the results himself using that same system. The duplication of the system should be verifiable, such that you can speak with others who are new to the system and that are already having success. Be certain that there is financial incentive for your sponsor to see to your success; they should get paid every time you make a sale. Moreover, they should listen to your needs and be interested in helping you accomplish your specific goals.

2. Evaluate the Products. The products should be legitimate stand-alone products that you would buy if they were on the shelf of your favorite store. Does anyone buy the products without doing the business? Were the products simply designed to enable a compensation plan? The products must be of high-value and high demand such that people are seeking them out. The products must be something you indeed buy yourself and become proud and passionate about. There are lots of great products out there, so find one that feels right to you.

3. Evaluate the Marketing System. Is it a real and definable system providing verifiable results for everyone plugging into it? It must be a real substantiated system that does not involve family & friends, newspaper ads, post cards, home meetings, or cold calling (after all, we are marketers, and we must have a simple system of enabling others to become successful twenty-first century marketers). Does the system take 'selling' out of the equation? Most people are not sales people, so the system should do all of the 'selling' such that the marketer simply needs to concentrate on driving prospects through the system.

4. Evaluate the Company. Does the management team have a long term vision? Does the management team have a track record? Is there bad publicity? While bad publicity in the internet-age certainly does not mean as much as it once did, look for a pattern of complaints. Where is the company located? Is it hiding offshore, out of reach of the US legal system? The company should only make money off of you when you make a sale. Beware of any company charging monthly fees for things such as websites, marketing systems or access to training. Again, the company should only make money when you make a sale.

5. Evaluate the Business Model. Companies with a direct sales model have the only compensation models that enable the possibility of a six-figure income from home within six months or less. You should be in a money making position from day one (stay away from companies that require that you give your sponsor your first couple sales). You should not have to invest more than about $3,000 to start your own home enterprise, including your first months marketing expenses that should get you to cash flow.

The positive effect that home businesses can have on our society is enormous, enabling both parents to have an active role in raising their children. As leaders in this industry, we should lead these new entrepreneurs in the direction that will best serve them, in the direction where they stand the very best chance of success.

Steve Chenoweth is the CEO of Marketing Solutions, Inc. and the owner of and, recently launched sites that market the direct sales business of Wealth Masters International. Steve has been active full-time in the network marketing arena as a business owner and trainer for over three years and resides in Dallas, TX.Vitia Blog60379
Fatima Blog7954

Free Report About Business Models in Making Money Online

Various surveys and studies had proven that hundreds if not thousands of internet users around the globe seek to find ways to earn-a-living and "make-a-life" on the net.

Quite a number are willing to pour out some hard earned money and countless hours of efforts, just to get their share of the so called "internet bounties". The only thing that matter is - they just do not know what to do and how to get started.

Other groups might have gathered knowledge after massive hours of researched, but ... has no enough budget to arm themselves with the right tools and programs for their chosen business model.

In contrast, some individuals are fortunate to have enough money to invest, thus, more than excited to make more money from the net. But - they have no time and are not willing to take action.

Pause for a moment... and ponder - which of the above groups do you belong?

Whatever is your answer ...>>> a free report is designed and made available for you.

A well researched free report is created, purposely to save your time and effort in searching for more knowledge and ideas in starting Online Home Based Business using your pc and the power of the "internet".

You may have already read information about this topic, or right now, might have indulge in some online home based business.

But self-education is a continuing process and it pays to continuously educate yourself by getting into the minds of other players in the field of making money online.

You can sit-back and enjoy reading this free report, which in a nutshell, explained about;

Forget about "getting rich quick".

The purpose of getting started with an online home based business is to build a strong and long lasting income builder which you can rely on for years to come.

Building a stable income from your online home based business doesn't happen over-night. But it surely helps you fill your banks with cash to pay your bills and vacation expenses if you are willing to invest time and effort in it.

And it all start with a proper planning.

First things off, you have to decide what products or services you will sell online, or what internet activities you will do that converts into money making generator.

That's right.

Just like any other traditional business in the physical world, you need something to market if you are going to make any money from the net.

With this, you need to know the different business models in making money on the internet, as enumerated below.

1. Paid Online Surveys
2. Free Paid Surveys
3. Home Typing Jobs
4. Data Entry Work From Home
5. Freelance Jobs
6. Mystery Shopping
7. Get Paid To Drive
8. Ebay Online Auction
9. Affiliate Programs
10. Reseller Programs
11. MLM and Downline Builder
12. Wholesale Buying and Drop-Shipping
13. Public Domain Works
14. Expired Domain Names
15. eBooks and Software Creation
16. Stock Trading
17. Foreign Exchange
18. Franchising
19. Doublers
20. HYIP
21. Grants
22. Lottery
23. Sports Betting

You can research in the internet and find websites that especialized one or two, or a combination of the above business models. And be ready to spend hundreds or countless hours of your precious time searching the best website that could give you the information you need.

However, if you want to save time and effort, you can get a very comprehensive review on each of the above online money making models in just one website that published a series of free reports covering the above-mentioned topics, plus you get a number of valuable free-bonus-give-aways starting right from the moment you sign-up.

Once you do, you could one of those happy subscribers of

Samuel Quino is the website publisher of Visit now to download your first batch of free-bonus-giveaways.Farica Blog22424
Fey Blog29325

Search Engine Marketing Products Reviewed

Most books and software ever sold online have-in one form or another-something to do with Search Engine Optimization. Why is this such a sought after service? Because... getting a good spot on major search engines can be the difference between $0 in profit per day versus $500 to $150,000 in profits per day (depending on the product you are promoting). Now there are many books and programs out there... and trust me, I've tried nearly all of them. Here are my personal recommendations:

#1 - The SEO Elite Software is by far the best of the best in software out there. It is a bit pricey to start off with, but it will literally save you thousands of dollars in promotions. The advantage you have is that you can create instant back-links to your site whenever you choose to, and on more sites then you could ever dream of. To have access to tools with a 1/4 of these abilities you would pay about $239 a year somewhere else. In short... you get more than you pay for. I'd rate it 10/10

#2 - Search Engine Optimization is another great, great tool. The price is a fraction of what you would pay on the previous software, but you are also more limited as to what you can or cannot do with this system. Still a super program, but remember: You Get What You Pay For.

#3 - Links Master is a program different from the previous two in the sense that you get someone else to blast your text ads out onto hundreds of sites. Problem? You have limited control over the kind of sites and the amount of sites linking to your site. Again... a great service, but it does tend to go hard on the wallet of those starting out.

Believe it or not-there is no secret to getting your site listed #1 on major search engines. You read that right! Search Engine Marketing is always spoken of as though it is hard to do. And gaining a #1 spot on Google, well, that is just plain impossible. If done right, YOU can prove all those assumptions wrong.

Using software #1 it is easy and fast as lightning to get top ranking on major search engines and, as previously stated, it takes very little effort on your part. Go to the site, read the testimonials-and if you are serious about getting that #1 spot... I trust you will purchase the software. The SEO software is to the online marketer today as a machine gun would have been to a warrior in medieval times: It literally blows all Search Engine Marketing competitors to pieces!

Search engines can be an effective method of driving highly targeted visitors to a web site. Our search engine marketing page provides access to the collective wisdom of all the top search engine marketing experts with regularly updated articles, links to resources, and announcements of new tools and services available to the search engine marketing industry.

Do you want your site to rank #1 on Google?

Then use the #1 Search Engine Marketing tool, which is currently being used by thousands of search engine marketers around the world. Gain YOUR #1 spot on Google, Yahoo, and MSN in record time!

I am Gilbert Traifalgar, webmaster of Blog23784
Flossie Blog61500
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